Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Today, I find myself slightly frustrated.

Normally, not much ticks me off.

Burnt cookies stink, but you can scrape off the burnt edges and eat it.

Rainy days make running a wet and soggy experience, but there are many puddles to jump in along the way.

Even shattered car windows with expensive repair bills don't tick me off as much as this.

People who honestly just don't care DRIVE ME UP THE WALLS!

I proceeded to turn in my financial paper work awhile ago for school. After working diligently to round up the necessary paperwork to turn into "The Establishment" they ASSURED ME that everything looked "dandy".

Last time I checked, "dandy" was a synonym for "good, great, wonderful"...."looks good"

Apparently, the school rolls otherwise.

Today, "The Establishment" told me that my paperwork is not complete and that I have until Friday to find the signature.

Thanks for update.

You would think that this is something really really important to most students and it is something that should be double checked. (If I were in the system, I would double check paperwork , especially papers that may determine if a students gets an education or not.) Apparently Not.

Luckily for me....My dad lives 6 hours away, 3 days by mail, so this signature will come quick. Not really....

Hopefully, all will work out and the overnight mail system will not fail me.

(Pray that everything works out fine. I would much rather spend the mega millions on bigger and better things (like a wedding) than something that COULD be paid for)

Otherwise, I will be paying WAYYYY too much for my education (Have I mentioned that college is WAY too expensive....)

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